It is a technique which is used for minimizing the crashing and bending risks. Even though it has much more cost than one piece of wooden, it is preferred because it reduces the working risk of wooden, increases surface quality of it and strengthens it.
It is obligated to apply some factors correctly such as the wooden wet rate, medium temperature, special glue norms, application thickness, pressure, press time in laminating process. It is also important to take care with tree species, cutting techniques, vein types and merging directions. In literature, there must be at least three kind of materials to laminate. Each one has to be minimum 15mm in thickness. To laminate the materials, D4 normed double component speaciel glues ( DIN EN 204-D4 ) must be used. It has to be guaranteed that laminated materials wont be splitted. Knar numbers in 1mm must be two or three and red-welded knar profiles should be used. Knar diameters should be maximum 1.5-2 cm. Black and downward knars must not be placed on the profile surfaces. Materials that became a profile are need to be calibrated. Fungus infection, molding and maggot infections related putrefactions must be preveneted with emprenye process. This method will be also usefull to provide a strong surface for the paints and varnishes. This method requires to absorbe 20lt emprenye for 1m3 wooden.
Profiles can be merged with one of the methods such as morsa- mortice, kırlangıç geçme, 45 degree cutting or plastic locking in order to make case and wings.If metalic conjunction systems which are used in indoor items such as cupboard and drawer that has minimum wooden dilation and shrinking, are applied to outdoor items such as windows, then they are exposured to some problems like oxidation and wooden-metal dilation disharmony.
Another facility in new generation windows is; the channel detail, which espagnolette zamak counterbalance is placed in, is solved while profile is being designed. Thus, ugly image, which occurs from carving and notching of wooden, is prevented. Use of double direction opening mechanisms,which aims air conditioning, on recent hinges will wipe out worries about aesthetic. So, one direction opening and double direction opening hinges ,in the same room , will catch up the advantage of being on same height and will provide infrastructure in future for the consumers who want to use double direction opening system. Even thouh it is more expensive than band hinges, it is stronger, more aesthetic and easier to control setting.
The space which the glass is placed in should be designed while profile is being designed. Wooden height should be 17mm in order not to see Isıcam aluminum at eye level. Profile also should have the air channel detail that is bandaging whole glass. The paints and varnishes, which is used in joineries, should be resistable against outside conditions, and should not be affected by water, salty water and UV rays. They should not be get cracked, desquamated, dusted, outpoured and pale. They should have the ability of strecthing against to dilation and shrinking of wooden. They should let the medium breathe with its air permeability facility. These facilities are possible for the imported water based paints and varnishes. These materials should be applied as three levels as on the wooden joinery like a film sheet. To avoid small protuberances on surface, it is recommended to apply emery between the levels and to wait one level completely to dry before the next level.
The profiles are used for producing windows and doors, so they should have thermo – dust – sound isolation. For this purpose while the prfile is being detailed, gasket nests should be created. 55 – 60 shore strength EPDM caoutchouc, nitrile caoutchouc PVC and elastomers can be used in making gaskets.
Silicones are generally used for waterproofing at the front and back for windows. However wrong apply of silicon and weakness against outside conditions will require to renew it. Despite of this, creating glass wick nests in profie detail, appropirate formed and strengthened glass gaskets should be placed into the system. All the glass wicks and gaskets in the system should be placed and mixed slowly onto the profile without stretching; all the corners should be cut as V with gasket scissors; conjunction points should be attached to eachothers with caoutchouc glues. Otherwise; water, dust and wind leaking wont be avoided from small gaps which can be caused by stretching in cold weather. When silicon has lost its quality or wrong apply of gaskets can cause water leaking into. This can be prevented as applying notr silicon at the bottom and both sides of 15 cm like an U shape at the glass montage.
It is essential to wedge technically to avoid wing sagging at glass montages. Such that, some precautions should be taken in order to prevent wedges to change place at earthquakes or other shocks.
Star headed screw, lentil headed screw and glass nail are used at fixing glass slats. But especially in stiff woodens there occurs some problems such as screw breaking, screw head damaging and oxidation. To avoid that it is recommended to drive the headless nails with the pneumatic guns. With the help of this method, which is also generally used in foreign countries, it becomes not only quick but also safe and sound work, also the nails driven are not seen. Additionally it is not lovely to cut the slats with little unsensitive machines on the working zone and to montage them one by one there. It should be preferred that glass wicks should be cut with sensitive machines at their setsquares and adjusted; all the corners should be conjuncted with polyurethane glues or stapled and then these prepared frames should be use in constructions. Also, to hide edge mistakes with case and wing profiles; to prevent wicks unbalanced (problem is that some of them can be placed forward and others backward), the wick detail should be placed on profile as morticel designed. Joineries should be produced max as 1cm as shorter than window space and it should be fixed not only with styrofoam but certainly with steel anchor plugs. Necessary water, dust, sound and air isolation should be applied with notr silicones where the joineries touch concrete and marmoreal bases.